Sunday, January 5, 2020

All new requirements from onsite team

The on-site call was scheduled later in the day and till that time I was asked worked on some information shared by my manager and the delivery person. Patiently I was working on the iterations till the last minute before the call and was hoping that whatever changes were suggested by my manager and delivery would be thrown out by the on-site team. The call started and I was driving the call, I was detailing about the slide flow and also about the slides I have included based on my understanding of the client requirements. The onsite team was acknowledging the slides, but onsite team was detailing new requirements all together and they want all the slides to be completed in next 2 days. Entire offshore team was taken aback with all new requirements from onsite and was hoping it will be finalised requirement from client. So, from next day we started to work again from scratch with new requirements detailed and I was doing some research to get the required inputs for the slides. However, this effort and attempt with new requirement also went in vain and to know more check out blog posts in “G R Team Sites”

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Logging to office after long vacation

After screwing up that irritating opportunity before my vacation, I was completely nervous and was worried too much about this impact on my promotion. As it was that time of the year, where each associate in the company would be handed over their salary hike along with promotion letter, if they have done exceptional work in the year. I was completely positive about getting recognition from my manager and to add more fuel to my speculations, I was awarded first rating in my team for the last year. So, the day after from my long vacation and after screwing up with that irritating opportunity, I was completely nervous and hoping for things to get better. I logged in and was checking the older mails and found that alternate team member has been assigned to support and a version have been already shared. Now, I need to check with that team member about the updates and to know more, please feel free to check out “G R Team Sites”

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Escalation from my manager about not addressing the comments

I was completely astonished by the escalation mail because the call got over smoothly and the hand off was done with the onsite team for their updates. I couldn’t understand why this escalation mail came to me and wanted to understand how my manager got involved into this opportunity, as he was requesting me to take ownership of this opportunity and he would not be able to support this. I closed off my laptop and don’t wanted to respond to that escalation mail and wanted to discuss it with my manager the next day. On the next day, I went to the office logged into my laptop and was waiting for my manager’s arrival, he arrived and was questioning me about what was happening in the last day and what are all the comments shared by the delivery lead and why it was not addressed. This moment I was completely taken aback and was conveying to my manager that we tried to address the comments as much as possible and have requested on-site team to work on the other updates. Learn more about what happened in next blog post at “G R Team Sites”

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Excitement about first rating and hope for promotion

After knowing that I have been awarded first rating continuously for the second straight year, I couldn’t control my excitement and really upbeat about upcoming hike. My colleague who pinged me about the rating couldn’t believe that I was awarded first rating continuously for the second straight year and was affirmative to me about the possibility of getting promotion in the current year. Couple of my old teammates who had moved to new team was also pinging me about the rating and was surprised that I got first rating for the second consecutive year and was also congratulating that I totally deserve this recognition. As per the company norms getting one first rating would ensure promotion and, in my case, I have got consecutive first rating for two years in a row and this is virtual route for promotion. To know more about my promotion, continue reading at “G R Team Sites”.